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history teacher standing in front of an American flag

Discover empathy across time and space. 

The study of the past has the power to foster the compassion, humility, and moral vision that Branson strives to impart on all of its students. Our diverse history courses challenge students to engage with the past critically in order to better understand and affect the world we live in today.

Through a sequenced program of integrated skill-building, students are encouraged to formulate their own questions about the past, analyze primary and secondary sources, conduct research, and apply analytical thinking in projects and papers that consider a variety of perspectives. And after your first two years of survey courses, you will choose from a rich menu of seminar offerings in specific historical themes, regional areas of study, and relevant issues facing the world today.

You will find the history classroom is an open space for discussion, debate, and collaboration. You will engage with concepts and controversies while considering a variety of perspectives and developing a better understanding of yourself and empathy for others. Our classes will provide you with the tools to engage meaningfully in the challenges of the future as members of a global community.

History Requirements

9 units (3 years)

All students take Modern World History in the ninth grade, U.S. History in the tenth grade, and select a minimum of two semester-long seminars taken during the eleventh and twelfth grade.  

Meet Our History Faculty

Malik Ali

Malik Ali

History Teacher
Neftaley Arceo

Neftaley Arceo

History Teacher
Henri de Marcellus

Henri de Marcellus

Registrar / Latin Teacher / Class Dean
Talia Di Manno

Talia Di Manno

History Teacher
Julie Kuo

Julie Kuo

History Teacher; Branson Summer Session Director
Ashton Richards

Ashton Richards

History Teacher, Head Coach, Girls Lacrosse
History Teacher, Head Coach, Girls Lacrosse
Hilary Schmitt

Hilary Schmitt

History Teacher, History Department Chair

Branson Curriculum Guide

students in class

Read the Curriculum Guide to see all the courses we offer in the 2023-24 academic year.

Yearlong Courses

  • Modern World History

  • United States History Honors

Fall Semester Courses

  • California History
  • A Century of American Imperialism
  • East Asian History
  • Ethics and Justice
  • European History from Renaissance to Enlightenment
  • History of American Sports
  • Native American History Part I: An Introduction
  • Principles of Economics
  • Soviet Union
  • Women's History

Spring Semester Courses

  • Art History
  • Food: A History
  • Land and Water Stewardship
  • Native American History Part II: Contemporary Native Americans
  • Principles of Economics
  • Public Opinion & Current Events
  • Queer History
  • World Religions
  • World War II

Humanities/Cross Referenced Courses

  • Advanced Journalism
  • Ancient Greek Political Thought
  • History and Culture of Hip-Hop
  • Moral Philosophy in the Age of Augustus

For a complete list of history courses and their descriptions, read the 2023-24 Curriculum Guide